Text encoding in NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client – Part 1

P.S: If you’re still using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client or a previous version, then you may want to continue reading this blog post.

We all know that Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Classis Client supports ANSI only (code page 1252 or depends on your windows localization).

In order to import/export encoded files we usually use some workarounds. In fact, when you google (bing) you will find two main answers:

  • Ansi-Ascii converter: but you need to add new characters in the codeunit as they come up,
  • Use some third party tools: but this will create dependency and it will cause a headache to maintain your NAV platform.

The solution I personally prefer is to use “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library” automation. In fact, this Dll is available on every windows machine and it offers a an interesting object: Stream.

In order to use it, you need to:

  1. Know your text file encoding,
  2. Check that your OS supports the needed language,
  3. Use a simple code is your NAV:

Line := Stream.ReadText(1024);

Let’s see how this works concretely. In the example below, I will use a Russian Windows Server (change English to Russian):


Then, I will use two Russian text files with different encoding: UTF-8 and IBM855 (OEM 855). Finally, I test all on a NAV 2009 R2 Russian Native Demo Database.


I’ll let you see the results:

Below some comments to understand the results:

FIL_IBM855Read a IBM855 encoded file with File variable
FIL_UTF8Read a UTF-8 encoded file with File variable
IBM_UTFRead a IBM855 encoded file with Stream automation and wrong Charset = UTF-8
STR_IBM855Read a IBM855 encoded file with Stream automation and correct Charset = IBM855
STR_UTF8Read a UTF-8 encoded file with Stream automation and correct Charset = UTF-8
UTF_IBMRead a UTF-8 encoded file with Stream automation and wrong Charset = IBM855

Finally, I’ll let you download the objects and the files I used in the examples here.

This blog is available also on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community

3 thoughts on “Text encoding in NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client – Part 1”

  1. Pingback: Text encoding in NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client – Part 2 | NAV NAB BLOG

  2. Pingback: Text encoding in NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client – Part 2 - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community

  3. hello
    very i s interessted , but how insert all line payment journat to export and formating bank format , as text file

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